
    Design our Wellness Experience

    The winner will enjoy wide visibility and international exposure

    For the first time, we want the project of our star space to bear the signature of architecture students! The Wellness Experience is a real spa that is fully operational during the show, where visitors can enjoy a swimming pool, treatment booths, a sauna, a fitness room and even a jacuzzi. An ephemeral architectural space conceived with sustainability criteria that will be seen by more than 10,000 visitors.

    It’s your chance to show off one of your designs in a unique showcase!

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    Everything you need to know

    Registration closing date

    You have until 18 November 2022

    Who can take part

    All architecture students, from this country and abroad, who have been enrolled during 2022 can participate.

    What you will get if you win

    10,000+ visitors will see your project come to life. What’s more, your name will also be associated with all our publicity of the event.
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    What should the winning proposal look like?

    We are the only event that creates a real and fully functioning wellness centre, with reception, waiting room, fitness room, sauna, cabins, changing rooms, bathrooms, swimming pool, spa, etc. A space buzzing with activity, with demonstrations of therapies, aesthetic treatments and guided tours.

    In addition, it will have to be built and dismantled in a very short time, since it will only operate during the 4 days of the show.

    These are the criteria for selecting proposals:

    Com ha de ser la proposta guanyadora?

    Som l’únic esdeveniment que crea un centre de wellness real i a ple funcionament, amb recepció, sala de espera, sala de fitness, sauna, cabines, vestuaris, banys, piscina, jacuzzi, etc. Un espai que bull d’activitat, amb demostracions de teràpies, tractaments d’estètica i visites guiades. A més a més, s’haurà de construir i desmuntar en molt poc temps, ja que només funcionarà durant els 4 dies del saló.

    Aquests són els criteris de selecció de propostes:

    Take a look at projects from other editions

    Previous projects

    Our Wellness Experience proposals have been a success since we started in 2015.

    Look at them all!

    2015 Video Summary

    Inscriu-te ara!

    Només cal que omplis la fitxa d’inscripció amb les teves dades. Ens posarem en contacte amb tu i t’informarem sobre la teva sol·licitud.

    Consulta les Bases de participació.

    Enter now!

    You just need to fill in the registration form with your details. We will contact you and inform you about your request.

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