  • 12/05/2020

    Piscina & Wellness Barcelona adheres to the Protocol for healthy pools against Covid-19

    Piscina & Wellness Barcelona has signed the Sectoral Protocol for healthy swimming pools promoted by ASOFAP association, which details a series of recommendations to facilitate the reopening of aquatic facilities and safe bathing in swimming pools for public and collective use (more than 120,000 units in Spain), in the current context caused by Covid-19. With its adhesion, the trade fair organized by Fira de Barcelona makes its communication channels available to the sector for the dissemination of these guidelines, as well as for the knowledge of solutions and good practices to reach institutions, professionals in user sectors and society usually.

    The document –as a result of the joint work of associations, entities, companies and experts linked to the sector–, offers guidelines in relation to the management of the aquatic facility; quality of water, air and other technical elements; hygiene, cleaning and disinfection of common spaces; as well as tips for users and companions. It also includes specific guidelines for swimming pools in neighboring communities and for water parks and recreational facilities in hotels, campsites and similar tourist establishments.
    The guidelines of this Protocol especially seek to protect users and workers of aquatic facilities and keep swimming pools in perfect safety conditions for their use. Precisely with this objective, companies and professionals in the swimming pool sector continue to work to provide the best solutions appropriate to the new context. From the sector, it is underlined that this document will be updated and improved with the technical and scientific information provided by the competent authorities and specialists, at the same time that it will include good practices carried out in the de-escalation phases that can help managers and professionals of swimming pools for public use.
    It should be remembered that the water in swimming pools, due to its hygienic-sanitary conditions required by law, does not transmit COVID-19 and is 100% safe. Scientifically, it has been shown that well filtered water and with the appropriate level of disinfectant is an environment where viruses and bacteria cannot survive. Furthermore, chlorination, high temperatures and high humidity in swimming pool environments significantly reduce the transmission and spread of this virus. This premise included in the Sectoral Protocol for healthy swimming pools has been recently corroborated in a report by researchers from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) who consider “very unlikely” the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in pool water and spas in standard bath conditions.
    As a commercial platform where the constant innovation of the swimming pool sector is displayed, Piscina & Wellness Barcelona, ​​whose next edition is scheduled for November 29 to December 2, 2021, anticipates that products for the treatment, cleaning and disinfection of water, as well as systems linked to connectivity and remote maintenance of aquatic facilities will gain prominence and will be key at this stage.
    Check the Spanish Sectorial Protocol of healthy pools here

    Barcelona, mayo 2020

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